Leadership Challenge - The City Mission of Cleveland, Ohio

Leadership Challenge

How Will You Give Single Mothers and Children a Fighting Chance?

We’re asking a special group of partners, including you, to provide a Leadership Challenge with an above-and-beyond gift to help single mothers go from homeless to homeowner.

A generous donor has offered to match your gift dollar for dollar up to $125,000, bringing the total to $250,000.

Oftentimes a mother is faced with the difficult decision to put food on the table or pay the rent. This is an impossible and heartbreaking position for her to be in.  

Through our New Horizons program, The City Mission equips single mothers with the necessary skills to seek vocational and educational growth, secure and maintain employment, develop healthy financial practices, and obtain and care for their own homes. Upon program completion, each mother receives the title to her home, free and clear. And the generational cycle of poverty is broken. 

“We can finally settle our lives and begin creating memories,” shares Antionette, mother of three in our New Horizons program. 

You can help families coming out of crisis by participating in The City Mission’s Leadership Challenge. Make a gift by May 31st, and give mothers and children a chance to succeed in life with stable, safe homes to grow up in. Thank you for caring!

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Reaching Hearts | Changing LIVES

The City Mission is funded entirely by private donations from people like you.
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