Bridget’s Comeback Story
Hitting Rock Bottom
“If I don’t do anything else right in this world, I’m going to be a good mom.” That’s what Bridget promised her four children. But life doesn’t always go the way we hope. When she lost her job, her car, her home, and all her possessions, she felt like a total failure.
Bridget and her children stayed with various friends for a while, then reluctantly she went back to her ex-boyfriend. It wasn’t long before he turned abusive and left her for another woman.
That was last Thanksgiving. Bridget was broken and desperate.
She had one hope left: Laura’s Home Women’s Crisis Center. She had been calling every day for weeks, praying for a room to open up.
God answered Bridget’s prayer the Saturday after Thanksgiving. She was standing in a parking lot, crying as she shared how she didn’t know if she could go on. Then she phone rang, and she picked up the call she’d been waiting for. “They asked me if I could come the next morning,” she remembers. “I told them, ‘You made my day!'”

Discovering a Way Up
Your support for Laura’s Home helped Bridget and her children break the grip of poverty. This year, when Bridget gathers with her children for Thanksgiving dinner, she will have many blessings to count. She is active in ministry in her home church. Her children are thriving in the Pathways program and love learning. Most of all, Bridget found the peace and stability she had been searching for.
In early September 2019, Bridget had her fifth child, which she found out she was pregnant with when she first arrived at Laura’s Home. The baby was welcomed into the Laura’s Home family with loving arms and everything a newborn and mother needs to have a successful start. If that wasn’t enough change, Bridget is also in the midst of the job search, will graduate the Laura’s Home program this month, and recently bought a car. To say she is starting a new chapter is an understatement, and it’s because of you that she’s looking forward to this new year with excitement instead of despair.
“I am forever thankful for Laura’s Home,” says Bridget. And The City Mission is forever thankful for you! Without the support of our community Bridget’s family could have broken and fallen hard.
As we write these words, 62 women and 73 children are calling Laura’s Home home. They’ll be spending the holidays with us, and working to ensure they and their families have a place of their own this time next year. But that doesn’t mean they can’t have a season full of great memories while at The City Mission. Will you consider ensuring more families like Bridget’s have a way to turn their circumstances around?