Charlestine's Story
In the Path of Good People
No matter how tough things got in Charlestine’s life, there was always someone there to lift her up… from a man who befriended her when she was sleeping on the streets, to the staff and volunteers at Laura’s Home.
Charelstine had been homeless a few times throughout her life, but she was a hard worker and never had to stay on the streets for long.
But one day she had suffered a stroke and the doctors told her she was unable to work. When she had to leave the hospital, she became homeless again and without any family to support her.
Charlestine needed a place to stay and resources to recover physically, financially and spiritually.
“I was at the laundromat one day and this lady told me how she got help getting back on her feet,” Charlestine remembers. “I said, ‘Where is this at?’ She told me about Laura’s Home and gave me a card.”
This wasn’t the first time Charlestine had heard about Laura’s Home. Several years before, a woman she’d run into every morning on her way to work was a volunteer and had planted the seed in Charlestine’s heart and mind.
Renewed Purpose
Since Charlestine came to Laura’s Home about a year ago, she’s rediscovered her purpose and confidence. She’s also been able to regain some of her physical strength, and is the first to volunteer for any manual tasks around the campus. Soon, she’ll be moving into a place of her own… and coming back to Laura’s Home as a volunteer.
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